Humber Forest celebrate partnership with Mires Beck Nursery
Mires Beck Nursery in North Cave, a big supporter of the Humber Forest, have dedicated a polytunnel to Humber Forest.
The Humber Forest Polytunnel was opened by Jim Dick, OBE, HM Lord-Lieutenant of the East Riding of Yorkshire, at a special opening ceremony last week.
The Humber Forest is the community forest covering Hull, East Yorkshire and North Lincolnshire and helps communities, farmers, landowners and businesses to plant trees and hedgerows. Most trees and hedges planted for the Humber Forest are grown by Mires Beck Nursery in North Cave.
Mires Beck Nursery also provide work experience and social therapeutic horticulture for adults who live with the challenges of learning difficulties, such as autism, and physical disabilities.
The partnership with Humber Forest has resulted in Mires Beck Nursery opening a new site in Pocklington. Trees grown at the nursery in North Cave are all grown from seed while the trees grown in Pocklington are all grown from nuts.
The nursery has provided approximately 85,000 trees to the Humber Forest in the last 12 months. The partnership with Humber Forest has allowed them to be able to support six additional service users across the two sites. Mires Beck Nursery have appointed an additional two members of staff due to their partnership with the Humber Forest.
Leah Cave, Humber Forest Partnership Manager said: “We are thrilled to have a polytunnel dedicated to the Humber Forest at Mires Beck Nursery in North Cave and proud the trees we plant across the region are grown locally.
“Being able to support the environmental regeneration of our county is an honour but being able to work so closely with Mires Beck and support the work they do for people with learning difficulties and physical disabilities is a bonus.”
Karen Hall, CEO of Mires Beck said: “Our nursery has always grown trees on a small scale for the City of Hull. The partnership with the Humber Forest is invaluable and has enabled us to scale our production to the government ambitions for the Humber region and afford us the opportunity to teach more people about this vital work and the benefits of trees on our environment.”
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