Boynton Hall, near Bridlington
Creating a new woodland in memory of a loved husband
Richard’s Wood
Mrs Marriott of Boynton Hall near Bridlington wanted to create a woodland dedicated to the memory of her late husband, the former Lord Lieutenant of East Yorkshire. She wanted to make a special place for woodland wildlife and insects.
Humber Forest undertake comprehensive checks for all sites prior to planting for advice and guidance on making sure tree planting is suitable. From consultation with the local archaeology partnership they recommended a shallow rooting species mix that would also create a wildlife rich woodland.
Wayne Scurrah Associates were engaged to deliver the planting of 2.85 hectares of former cropland with 2064 native broadleaved trees and shrubs. The design allowed for 1.13 hectares of open ground comprising glades and rides to enhance the wildlife value of the site.
Summary of the project
Richard’s Wood is located close to Woldgate, a Roman road leading into Bridlington from the Yorkshire Wolds. The field chosen lies between existing woodland blocks and so planting adds to the wooded character of the landscape here. The historical and archaeologically rich surrounding area meant the species of trees had to be carefully considered. The estate’s land advisor, Trevor Ball, was engaged to help design the planting scheme at an early stage and his knowledge and support really moved the project forward. Shallow rooted trees such as whitebeam, spindle and wayfaring tree were hard to source, but they will provide a strong addition to the species diversity in attracting wildlife.
“I am so happy with the results of this joint effort to create a new woodland and we will watch with joy the development of the new meadows and rides in the coming years.” Mrs Marriott.
The Conservation Volunteers (TCV) took on the task of looking after the newly planted trees for the first 5 years as a maintenance contract. On visiting the site for the first maintenance task to weed around the tubes and check for potential losses, they were impressed with the layout of the woodland and how it had really taken off.
Project impact
Enhancing wildlife: The species selection was aimed at enhancing the area for wildlife through species diversity, blossom and fruiting varieties and the inclusion of 40% open ground. The rides and central glade will create edge effect and shelter for insects, birds and mammals to thrive. Seeding with a wildflower mix will further enhance the site.
Contribution to Net Zero: This site will capture approximately 600 tonnes of carbon.
Engagement, health and wellbeing: Although this is a private site it will enhance the experience of Mrs Marriotts’s family, guests and visitors. Wildlife will thrive here and add to the diversity and resilience of local wildlife.
Innovative delivery practices: Joint working between Humber Forest, local archaeologists, ecologists, landscape advisors, Forestry Commission, contractors and voluntary organisations has helped create a good example of woodland creation in a sensitive area. High design and low impact planting can be delivered with good outcomes for all concerned.
Employment and skills: The multi-agency approach has developed the understanding of interorganisational work. Clear lines of communication at all stages makes a project work. Over 10 employed staff across the organisations were involved with developing and delivering the project. Another 8 volunteers were engaged in maintaining the site.
“It has been lovely to see the new woodland take shape since planting. The cherry trees look so beautiful.” Mrs Marriott
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